
联邦半工半读的 Info for Employers在新窗口中打开

联邦半工半读的 Info for Community Service Employers在新窗口中打开

联邦勤工俭学(FWS)为有经济需要的本科生和研究生提供兼职工作, allowing them to earn money to help pay education expenses. 该计划鼓励社区服务工作和与学生学习课程相关的工作. FWS is offered to all students that meet the eligibility listed below. FWS funds are granted on a first-come-first-served basis. 一旦有足够的学生被雇用来使用所有联邦勤工俭学基金,FWS的招聘将停止. 

Students are employed with on-campus and off-campus partners. 学生可以通过兼职工作获得一笔资金. FWS员工每月发一次工资, ranging from California's minimum wage to the maximum wage of $23.25 an hour, depending on the type of job.

On Campus FWS positions are advertised on HRDI的职业页面 在新窗口中打开 . and Off Campus FWS positions can be found on 泰坦连接在新窗口中打开 . 如果你对不属于联邦勤工俭学的职位感兴趣, 在面试的时候,你仍然可以告诉他们你有联邦勤工俭学资格. 学生是否被雇佣为联邦勤工俭学学生由招聘部门决定.


  1. 在3月2日前完成FAFSA

  2. 对于FAFSA第28题“你是否有意参加勤工俭学??"

  3. 在截止日期之前提交你的待办事项清单中所有要求的经济援助文件

  4. EFC为3,000美元或以下

  5. 维护 令人满意的学业进展 

  6. Enrolled in at least six (6) or more units per semester

  7. Must have Federal Need as determined by Federal Guidelines


  • Student with FWS awards do not have to access to accept the award offer.

  • FWS协调员将在FWS招聘过程中(必须由雇主发起)接受学生的奖励。.  财务援助必须收到雇主批准其FWS任命的请求, and the student must meet all eligibility requirements.

  • 提交申请时,请提供一份你的奖励摘要副本,以证明你获得了FWS的奖励. 如果你的奖项摘要中没有包括奖项,你就不能申请FWS的工作. Award summaries can be obtained on your student portal, within your Student Homepage under Financial Aid.

  • 与雇主一起完成招聘流程,确保所有所需文件都已提供给人力资源部门.

  • Notify your supervisor of any changes to your FWS award.

  • 与主管一起保持准确的工作时间记录,以免超出FWS的分配.

  • Complete and submit the time sheet to the appropriate supervisor on time.

  • 维护 at 最少半场时间单位 per semester, at all times. 如果你降到 半场单位在新窗口中打开 requirement, you cannot continue to be employed under FWS regulations.

  • 维护 令人满意的学业进展在新窗口中打开 according to the policies and procedures of the 财政援助办公室.



简单的访问 HRDI的职业网站在新窗口中打开 and utilize the 联邦半工半读的 filter. 如果你找工作有困难,你可以向职业中心寻求帮助. 他们可以帮助你完善简历, 为面试做准备, explore careers and have many other important and valuable resources.


To ensure your success in finding a 联邦半工半读的 position, 请在学年早期申请,因为职位的可用性会随着时间的推移而减少. Make sure you pay attention to the needs of the employer, if they are seeking specific majors that differ from yours, maybe you should consider another position. 也, 如果你对某个职位感兴趣, 给雇主写一封求职信或电子邮件可能是自我介绍的好方法, 突出你的技能, 表现出你对这份工作的兴趣. 

FWS -条款 & 条件

  • FWS is run on a first-come-first-served basis. All students that qualify for this award may receive an offer. If students do not secure employment while FWS funds are available, their 联邦半工半读的 award may be canceled.

  • 你一定要见见CSUF Student Assistant hiring qualifications在新窗口中打开

  • 做一个U.S. 公民或永久居民.

  • 有社会保险号吗.

  • Continue to meet financial aid requirements.

  • 你至少要参加 半场单位在新窗口中打开 during any semester in which you are employed

  • 要继续参加FWS计划,您必须符合以下标准 令人满意的学业进展在新窗口中打开 .

  • If you lose your financial aid eligibility for any reason, 你也将失去领取失业救济金的资格,你必须立即停止工作.

  • You can only be employed in one FWS position on/off campus at a time. Should you wish to obtain multiple employment on campus, it would need to be through a non-FWS student position. 
  • 在CSUF完成学业后,您将无法再获得FWS基金.


  • 在8月中旬至5月中旬的学年期间,你每周最多可以工作20小时.

  • Hours are contingent on the amount of FWS awarded and employer needs.

  • You cannot work over your approved FWS award.


一旦雇主同意雇用你, 在你开始工作之前,你必须完成FWS的就业授权程序. 你必须提供 I-9 Employment Verification Documentation在新窗口中打开 致人力资源.  


Working periods of the academic year

联邦勤工俭学学生在学年的7月开始获得奖励. These students can be appointed from July to August (夏天), from August/September to December (Fall), 一月至五月(春季). 所有校内联邦勤工俭学将于5月停止,以支持年终和解. 随着春季结束的临近,联邦勤工俭学计划将向雇主通报工作结束日期.


Who Can Work Before School Begins (During July/August)?

你可以在7月/ 8月开始获得学年奖励的一部分(20%),如果

  • 你已经收到了一封奖励信,其中包括联邦勤工俭学奖励,

  • 你做了 令人满意的学业进展在新窗口中打开 在前一年,及

  • 你将被录取 最少半场时间单位 在新窗口中打开 在即将到来的秋季学期.

  • 如果你参加了暑期课程,你可能只有资格每周工作20小时.


工资周期是根据“考勤及工资表在新窗口中打开 “今年的. 在支付期结束时,将你的工时表提交给你的FWS主管进行支付. FWS学生在下个月的15日或之前付款. Your employer will approve and submit your timesheet to Payroll services. 如果你的时间表提交晚了,你仍然会得到报酬,但付款可能会延迟.


Pay day is on or before the 15th of each month. 你只会根据你在上个月的工作时间和时间表上的报告获得报酬.


在连续工作4小时内,你有权休息15分钟. 一天工作八小时, 你可以有两次15分钟的带薪休息和至少一次30分钟的免费午餐休息. 带薪休假不得在工作期间的开始或结束时进行,并且不得累计.


You are covered during your usual work hours by 工人的补偿在新窗口中打开 insurance against job-related illness or injury. 也, all employees are eligible to utilize the 员工援助计划在新窗口中打开 . FWS学生不享有其他就业福利,如加班费, 带薪假期, 假期或病假, unemployment insurance or permanent status.


你有权被你的FWS主管告知你的预期工作时间表和职责. You are expected to conduct yourself in a professional manner.


An Employer May Terminate Your FWS Employment if:

  • Your work schedule is not compatible with the employers' needs;

  • You display unprofessional conduct such as repeated absences or tardiness;

  • You do not maintain confidentiality of records; or

  • 你的工作不令人满意。.



  • 您有责任监督您的FWS工资,并在您接近FWS分配额(最高收入)时通知您的FWS主管。. 您的收入可能不会超过TITAN Online中显示的FWS奖励金额. 如果您的FWS奖励被修改,您必须立即通知您的FWS主管.

  • 你有责任准确地报告你的时间,并按时向你的主管提交你的时间表.

Not Eligible For FWS But Interested In Working On-Campus?

If you are not eligible for 联邦工作研究, you might want to look into other on-campus employment opportunities: 



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